21 June 2017
Rise Up, Glorious Bride!
Tonight, as we came together in prayer for the churches and communities, we continued to pray for the Spirit of God to fill His churches and declared from the scriptures the very intended creation of the Church. We read from Ephesians 5 which talks about the union of Christ and the Church, and called her forth as the glorious Bride, not having spot or wrinkle, but that she would be holy and without blemish.
We repented and sought forgiveness on behalf of the church as she has strayed from her first love. In addition, we asked the Holy Spirit to take precedence over all things, and that the ministers and those placed in authority over congregation members would trust and follow You wholeheartedly as they lead His flock.
Joel 2:28 was also declared – When your Spirit comes, You will baptise us in power and fire. We prayed that ministers would not just preach Your word, but demonstrate Your power with signs, wonders and miracles so that people will know and witness that You are alive.
Next, we prayed for a fresh revelation of who God is upon the congregation, and that disciples of Christ will take up their cross and follow Him instead of being just mere followers. We also blessed the street evangelism event that New Wine is anchoring in July, as it is a new move of the Holy Spirit, and that through this outreach, a younger God-fearing generation will be the fruit of all that has been sown.
I prayed for the sound of heaven to be released and asked that He would appear to His people with tongues of fire and grip the hearts of the next generation. May He set these children with a burning passion for Him and fill them with His Spirit as they run wholeheartedly with the vision He has placed within them.
Someone prayed Isaiah 64 – Rend the heavens and let us see the mountains tremble before us. Come down Lord and shake us out of our slumber. Open our eyes and ears. Show us our true reality as we wait for You to come in Your great power and splendour. Holy Spirit sweep across this country and turn their eyes and hearts to You. Shake our churches and our land.
We were also led to pray for the recent attacks in the city of London, that the church and Christians will rise to the occasion and show compassion to the citizens. We prayed that the Church would not stay silent, divided by politics or differences, but would unite and be a good representation of Jesus to the world. Another man prayed for the strengthening of the churches and a renewal of hope in their hearts, that the Church would never lose its saltiness and light and shine ever so brightly in these dark times.
We ended with a time of communion and also prayed for unity in the Body of Christ.
Tags: Bride of Christ, Generations, Holy Spirit, Light of The World, London, Salt of The Earth, UK, Unity, Wales