21 June 2017
Rise Up, Glorious Bride!
Tonight, as we came together in prayer for the churches and communities, we continued to pray for the Spirit of God to fill His churches and declared from the scriptures the very intended creation of the Church. We read from Ephesians 5 which talks about the union of Christ and the Church, and called her […]
Tags: Bride of Christ, Generations, Holy Spirit, Light of The World, London, Salt of The Earth, UK, Unity, Wales
7 June 2017
Like A City On A Hill
Again, we prayed for protection over Theresa May and her party, that everyone would come into alignment with the plans and purposes of God over this nation. God showed me a picture of the United Kingdom being like a city on a hill – and this light cannot be hidden. Bright light was radiating out […]
Tags: Light of The World, UK, Wales